The staff is 150 people, of which 80 researchers. The company employs highly qualified specialists including 1 corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 27 professors and doctors of science, 27 holders of Ph.D. degree and 9 doctors of the highest category.
The employees of our company are authors of more than 1,000 scientific publications including 30 monographs and 213 patents in the field of gerontology, biotechnology and immunology.
At the moment, Garmoniya owns 109 intellectual property items, of which 51 items are domestic and foreign patents and 78 are trademarks.
The company owns the rights to 80 product units, which are dietary supplements, cosmetics and highly effective drugs that are under development. In 2022, 5 drugs are ready for entry into the market, 21 drugs for submission to the Russian Ministry of Health for state registration.